A wish tree


 Istanbul Wednesday, April 20 , 2005  - Istanbul May 04, 2005

Hotel Chart  & How To Be Reached

You can always be reached at Meli's Cell Phone: 90 532 345 9987
Please assure your loved ones that the time difference does not make any difference. They can call day and night in case of emergency.
On day 1-2 3-4-5-12- 13 & 14 You will have an access to e mail at the hotels we are staying at. But messages can be sent to melitour@unimedya.net.tr
Some times when we are in the middle of a lecture, I do turn my phone off, so the loved ones who need to call for emergency should try again with in an hour.

Tour Day Hotel Name & City Telephone # FAX #
Day 1-2 Hotel Ayasofya
90 212 516 94 46 90 212 518 0700
Day 3-4-5 Museum Hotel
0384 271 26 16  0384 271 26 16 
Day 6 Hotel Karballa
90 382 451 2103 90 382 451 2107
Day 7 Hotel Baykara
90 332 350 4290 90 332 351 9251
Day 8-10 Egirdir Hotel, Egridir    
Day 11 Spa hotel Collesea
 0258 271 4156 0258271 4250
Day 12-13 Hotel Kalehan
90 232 892 6154 90 232 892 2169
Day 14 Hotel Ayasofya
90 212 516 94 46 90 212 518 0700
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